Surviving the Corporate Culture

The book was designed to be a guide for that success and to help you to attain greater achievement in the corporate world and even includes a handy checklist. There’s also particular excitement about this launch because this is the author’s first book and it provides a ton of value in such a short quick-start guide.
Surviving the Corporate Culture covers many topics such as coping with stress in a cubicle environment. It also provides tips on how to become the top producer in departments, beginning with the initial phone techniques used when scheduling appointments, to the elements of effective communication with clients, co-workers, and management. Chapters also provide advice on leadership and how to plan for retirement.

Readers will likely find a particular interest in Includes the handy Surviving the Corporate Culture Checklist that summarizes all of the most important action steps in the book.



This book gives readers an all-access backstage pass for an up-close and personal look at life inside the entertainment industry. A funny and insightful read which presents an inside view of celebrities, relationships, and what took place behind the scenes during the golden age of the ’70s & ’80s television and recording industry. Included are stories about Elvis Presley, the original Star Trek television series, and a behind-the-scenes look at The Tonight Show with insight into the personal lives of celebrities after the cameras were turned off and the real people behind the image emerged.

Meet the Author

Robert Michael Lehmann is a licensed certified credit counselor C.C.A, and a post secondary college counselor. Lehmann is also a 30-year licensed college counselor who also worked with KKVV Radio in Las Vegas, Nevada where he completed negotiations and questions directed to the candidates for the final debate between Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign prior to the election of the future Senate Majority Leader.

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