Define Yourself Before Others Do

Define Yourself Before Others Do

Successful people define themselves and act accordingly.

You have to define yourself, your work ethic, professionalism, integrity and even your personal boundaries. People should not make value judgments about others, but in an office environment, will do it anyway. This is why we have to define ourselves first

“To be great is to be misunderstood.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Building Your Brand


The definition of “Building Your Brand” is to establish an image or impression In the mind of others about the individual.

It is a fact about the 80/20 rule, where 20% of the employees contribute 80% of the success in production. This is the group you want to be in for both job security and possible future promotion.

Supervisor’s look upon the 20% as true team leaders they can count on, and invaluable to the department’s success in reaching company goals.

Be the first to volunteer to work Saturdays or overtime if needed. This will be noted, appreciated and help make you indispensable to your department.

It’s also a good idea to find a respected company mentor. It may be a supervisor or a colleague. A close colleague is usually the better choice as a director is usually busy and cannot play favorites with their time. A personal mentor should be one you can trust and feel comfortable with if discussing personal issues, work issues or just asking for some good straight advice.

A big part of survival in a company is to follow the proper protocol, which is basically the procedures and rules to follow. Let’s consider the correct way to handle a problem.

There are times to speak up behind closed doors with a supervisor, if one has a justified problem or complaint. However, one of the worst things an employee can do is to constantly complain to their co workers in the department about company policies which need to be fixed or about a personal dispute they may have with another employee.

Remember, it’s been said “The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but it’s also the first one to be replaced.”